Who is…

The founder of DustYourSoul.com is Roelof
After a life of practice, study and connecting with people, DustYourSoul is just a consequence. Growing from working with chakra’s, acupuncture, kundalini-awakening and tantra, everything came together. And the whole journey till now was just whiping of the dust, the dust of old programming, rigid beliefs, conventions and more, what keep us captured in the matrix. And no, this is not the matrix of the conspiracy-theories, but the endless circle of life where the forces of samsara keep us from evolving into Gods and Goddesses.
There is a strong feeling in me, that breaking the circles can give us unlimited freedom. Freedom with a huge responsibility towards the planet, the nature and all the living beings around us, but a freedom free of borders, dogmatic religions and inequality of people.

“Knowledge is only there when you’re able to share it and when it can add value to the one you’re teaching”

The founder of Samsarana Yoga Studio is Marianna

Together Roelof and Marianna are the founders of DivineUniversityofLove.com