Frequency Therapy

Frequency Therapy from the Quantum field

“The future of healing, is healing with frequencies” Nicolai Tesla

And the future is now!!
After a load of mind-blowing inventions Nicolai Tesla was convinced about the healing capacities of frequencies. George Lahkovsky, a beautiful mind and inventor from the same era, worked on a device called the Multi Wave Oscillator. Two sets of rings, from big to small, where you can sit in between. By putting electricity on the rings, they begin to emit a wide range of electro-magnetic waves, which are very nourishing for your body. Lot of hospitals used this Multi Wave Oscillators (MWO’s) to treat cancer patients. But due to the second world war and financial profits from oil-based-medicine, people lost interest. But… they are back, and with a power as never been shown before.

A treatment with the MWO is also described by clients as entering a time-machine, a space where your whole body is regenerated, from cells, tissues, endocrine glands, and much more. You feel younger and energized after a session, and with a series of sessions a lot of diseases, even the chronically, improve or sometimes even disappear totally.

The quantum field is the field around the Earth, inside the Earth and basically the entire cosmic orbit. There, where the so called ’empty space’ is the carrier for consciousness, where time and place no longer exist. Only intention is important there. So making connection with the MWO, or even leaving your name or traces of your DNA inside, between the rings, will give a direct change in your energy, even if you are 1000 miles away. Many tests have proven the quality of the energy and the impact with a healing from a distance.

The MWO in combination with quantum consciousness is a revolution in healing. Just consider the impact for a second, if you subscribe to a healing list and the impact is sensable from far. Healing frequencies who travel through the empty space and are with you simultaneously as the moment they are transmitted. Then your whole body can revitalize, regenerate and heal instantly. And the more we are open for healing in this way, the easier it is for your mind, body and soul to welcome this energies. Because in the end we are nothing but frequencies, and only the right frequencies keep our body together, lowering the frequencies will slowly age the body with all the problems concerned.

Precautions: Because of the electromagnetic waves the Multi Wave Oscillator has a contra-indication when wearing a pacemaker. And when having replacement joints or any other metal objects in your body, please ask the therapist for the best advice.